Kategorie: Operations
Executive Summary After a roller-coaster year in steel production amid Covid-19 shutdowns, the recovery in European steel mill utilization rates has stalled. Kayrros measures
Following the Biden Administration’s decision to halt new oil and gas leasing activities across federal lands and offshore waters pending the outcome of a
Consolidation in the US tight oil patch had been a matter of mounting speculation since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic and the Russian-Saudi
In April, US tight oil completions dropped to the lowest level of activity in any single month since 2016. When plummeting demand due to
The completions count fell by 48% m/m in April 2020 while DUC wells increased by 717 After holding steady at the end of Q1,
Too little too late: US tight oil activity plummets in March, but not enough to prevent a historic crash in WTI In the wake
The back-to-back OPEC+ and G20 meetings resulted in the largest (in volume) and broadest (in participants) production cut deal in oil history and seem
The idea of a ban on hydraulic fracturing has — perhaps predictably — proved polarizing since being recently aired in the US presidential primary
While the US Energy Information Administration (EIA) has been reporting a drop in the Lower 48 inventory of drilled and uncompleted (DUC) wells in
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